
- 電話:+886-7-3121101 ext 2673
- 傳真:+886-7-3215845
- 信箱:mjhsu@kmu.edu.tw
- 學歷:
- 美國愛荷華大學 物理治療暨復健科學研究所 博士
- 美國愛荷華大學 物理治療暨復健科學研究所 碩士
- 台灣大學 復健醫學系 物理治療組 學士
- 學術專長:
- 運動生理
- 健康促進
- 老人物理治療
- 呼吸循環物理治療
- 大學部一年級:服務學習
- 大學部二年級:物理治療倫理學、論文導讀與分析概論
- 碩士班一年級:運動生理特論、身體活動與健康
- 碩士班二年級:專題討論(三)
- 大學部一年級:物理治療導論、動作科學概論
- 大學部二年級:基礎物理治療學(一)、基礎物理治療學實習(一)
- 大學部三年級:呼吸循環物理治療學、呼吸循環物理治療學實習、物理治療學臨床見習、物理治療管理學、日常生活機能再教育、日常生活機能再教育實習、老人物理治療學
- 大學部四年級:實證物理治療、物理治療臨床實習I
- 碩士班一年級:物理治療研究法、專題討論(一)、(二)
- 碩士班二年級:
- 呼吸循環物理治療
- 運動生理
- 健康促進
- 物理因子
- 中風患者軀幹控制能力,呼吸功能與橫膈厚度之相關性
- 間歇性加壓降低心衰竭患者下肢水腫之應用
- 國科會103-106年度專題研究計劃 (MOST 103-2314-B-037 -003 -MY3),主持人
中風患者低強度踩車運動訓練早期介入之成效 - 國科會97年度專題研究計劃 (NSC 97-2629-B-037-001),主持人
有無代謝症候群停經婦女之心率變異度及走路計畫效應研究 - 高雄醫學大學 97年度新進教師專題研究計劃 (KMU Q097040),主持人
運動強度對脊髓損傷患者運動低血壓之影響 - 國科會95年度專題研究計劃 (NSC 95-2314-B-010-040),主持人
輪軸位置對脊髓損傷患者輪椅推進效能之探討:生理、時間-距離反應分析 - 國科會94年度專題研究計劃(NSC 94-2314-B-010-016),主持人
脊髓損傷患者周邊血管控制之探討:血液動力特質及電刺激之效應 - 國科會93年度專題研究計劃(NSC 93-2314-B-010-021),主持人
- 國家衛生研究院99-103年度創新研究計畫 (NHRI-EX102-9907PI),共同主持人
「冷熱刺激法」於中風病人功能恢復療效的應用。 - 國科會102-104年度專題研究計劃(102-2314-B-182-021-MY2),共同主持人
脊髓損傷者神經肌肉反向靜止適應研究II-單突處反射活化後抑制之機制、適應與機器輔助牽張復健研究。 - 國科會102-104年度專題研究計劃(99-2314-B-037-008-MY3),共同主持人
- 高雄醫學大學物理治療學系教授
- 高雄醫學大學 物理治療學系 副教授
- 高雄醫學大學 物理治療學系 助理教授
- 國立陽明大學 物理治療學系 講師
- 高雄醫學大學 附設中和醫院 復健科 加聘物理治療師
- 台北市馬偕醫院 復健科 物理治療師
- 台灣物理治療學會 第十九屆副秘書長(2014-)
- 中華民國物理治療學會 第十八屆副秘書長(2011-2014)
- 中華民國物理治療學會 第十六屆副秘書長(2005-2008)
- Kuo NY, Liu JF, Lu HI, Lo CM, Hsien LC, Chang CL, Hsu MJ*. Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Aged Individuals With Lung Tumor After Thoracoscopic Surgery. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 38(2), 110-119, 2022. (SCI)
Wei, YY, Koh CL, Hsu MJ, Lo SK, Chen CH, Lin JH*. Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on upper extremity motor function in patients with stroke. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 101(2), 145-151, 2022. (SCI)
- Lee CT, Chien JY, Hsu MJ, Wu HD, Wang LY. Inspiratory muscle activation during inspiratory muscle training in patients with COPD. Respiratory Medicine, 190, 106676, 2021. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Chan HL, Chang YJ, Chen SM, Hsu MJ*. Validity of the Polar v800 monitor for assessing heart rate variability in elderly adults under mental stress and dual task conditions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 869, 2021.(SCI)
Cheng CC, Huang CY, Hsu MJ*. The relationship between six minute walk test, handgrip strength and quality of life in individuals with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention. Formos J Phys Ther 46(1): 13-24, 2021.
- Hsu MJ, Chan HL, Huang YZ, Lin JH, Hsu HH, Chang YJ*. Mechanism of fatigue induced by different cycling paradigms with equivalent dosage. Frontier Physiology. 11:545 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2020.00545, May 2020. (SCI)
- Tang WT, Hsu MJ, Huang YM, Hsu YT, Chuang LL, Chang YJ. Low Intensity Electrical Stimulation to Improve the Neurological Aspect of Weakness in Individuals with Chronic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Lesion. Biomed Res Int Volume |Article ID 7436274 | 8 pages | https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/7436274 (Mar), 2020. (SCI)
- Chen SC, Hsu MJ, Kuo YT, Lin RT, Lo SK, Lin JH. Immediate effects of noxious and innocuous thermal stimulation on brain activation in patients with stroke. Medicine. Feb;99(9):e19386, 2020. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019386. (SCI)
- Chen SC, Lin JH, Hsu JS, Shih CM, Lai JJ, Hsu MJ *. Influence of Alternate Hot and Cold Thermal Stimulation in Cortical Excitability in Healthy Adults: an fMRI Study. J. Clin. Med. 9(1): 18, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm9010018 (SCI)
Chuang CY, Lin SY, Li, MH, Chang YJ, Hsu MJ*. Six-Minute Walk Test in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Treadmill Versus Corridor Walking Distances. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 35(4):266–272, 2019. (SCI)
- Chuang YF, Chen CC, Hsu MJ, Huang NJ, Huang YZ, Chan HL, Chang YJ. Age related changes of the motor excitabilities and central and peripheral muscle strength. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 44:132-138, 2019.
- Chou YL, Chen HI, Hsu MJ, Chen CJ, Chen CH, Lin JH*. Effects of cycling training on sensorimotor activation and functional recovery of lower extremity in patients with stroke: a preliminary fMRI study. Formos J Phys Ther 44(1): 9 - 17 Mar, 2018.
Ye ZY, Hsu MJ, Hsiao SF, Chen CH, Huang MH, Lin RT, Lin JH*. Time dependent and age Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on corticomotor excitability in healthy adults. Formos J Phys Ther 44(1): 18 -28 Mar, 2018. (SCI)
Yeh CP, Huang HC, Chang Y, Chen MD, Hsu MJ*. The Reliability and Validity of a Modified Squat Test to Predict Cardiopulmonary Fitness in Healthy Older Men. Biomed Res Int 2:4863454. doi: 10.1155/2018/4863454. 2018. (SCI)
Chen CC, Tang YC, Hsu MJ, Lo SK, Lin JH*. Effects of the hybrid of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and noxious thermal stimulation on upper extremity motor recovery in patients with stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Top Stroke Rehabil 27:1-7. doi: 10.1080/10749357. 2018. (SCI)
- Chuang LL, Chuang YF, Hsu MJ, Huang YZ, Wong AMK, Chang YJ*. Validity and reliability of the Traditional Chinese version of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory in general population. PloS One 10;13(5):e0189850. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189850. 2018.(SCI)
- Chen MD, Kuo CC, Pellegrini CA, Hsu MJ*. Accuracy of wristband activity monitors during ambulation and activities. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48 (10):1942-9, 2016. (SCI)
- Tuan SH, Li MH, Hsu MJ, Tsai YJ, Chen YH, Liao TY, Ko-Long Lin KL*. Cardiopulmonary Function, Exercise Capacity, and Echocardiography Finding of Pediatric Patients With Kawasaki Disease. Medicine 95 (2): e2444, 2016. (SCI)
- Huang YZ, Chang YS, Hsu MJ, Wong AM, Chang Y*. Restoration of central programmed movement pattern by temporal electrical stimulation-assisted training in patients with spinal cerebellar atrophy. Neural Plast. 2015. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/462182 (SCI)
- Chang Y*, Chou CC, Huang WT, Lu CS, Wong AM, Hsu MJ. Cycling regimen induces spinal circuitry plasticity and improves leg muscle coordination in individuals with spinocerebellar ataxia. APMR 96: 1006-13, 2015 (SCI)
- Chen CC, Chuang YF, Yang HC, Hsu MJ, Huang YZ, Chang Y*.Neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the median nerve facilitates low motor cortex excitability in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 25: 143-150, 2015.
- Fang CY, Hsu MJ (contribute equally to first author), Chen CC, Cheng HY, Chou CC, Chang Y*. Robot-assisted passive exercise for ankle hypertonia in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury. J Med Biol Eng 35:464-472, 2015. (SCI)
- Tai I, Lai CL, Hsu MJ, Lin RT, Huang MH, Lin CL, Hsieh CL, Lin JH. Effect of thermal stimulation on corticomotor excitability in patients with stroke. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 93(9):801-8, 2014. (SCI)
- Hung RM, Lin JH, Chen CC, Lin CL, Chen PH, Hsu MJ*. Effects of Leg Cycling Motion Training on Walking Ability and Motor Cortex Activation in Healthy Older and Young Adults. FJPT. 39(1):32-41, 2014.
- Yang HY, Lee CL, Lin R, Hsu MJ, Chen CC, Lin JH*, Lo SK. Effect of Biofeedback Cycling Training on Functional Recovery and Walking Ability of Lower Extremity in Patients with Stroke. The Koahsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2013 doi. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.kjms.2013.07.006 (SCI)
- Hsu HW, Lee CL, Hsu MJ, Wu HC, Lin R, Hsieh CL, Lin JH*. Effects of Noxious Versus Innocuous Thermal Stimulation on Lower Extremity Motor Recovery 3 Months After Stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehab 94(4):633-641, 2013. (SCI)
- Chang Y*, Liang JN, Hsu MJ, Lien HY, Fang CY, Lin CH. Effects of continuous passive motion on reversing the adapted spinal circuit in humans with chronic spinal Cord Injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 94(5): 822-828, 2013. (SCI) .
- Chang YJ, Chou CC, Chan HL, Hsu MJ, MY Yeh, Fang CY, Chuang YF, Wei SH, Lien HY. Increases of Quadriceps Inter-Muscular Cross-Correlation and Coherence during Exhausting Stepping Exercise. Sensors 12, 16353-16367, 2012. (SCI)
- 許妙如*、廖麗君、張雅如。代謝症候群與中風。物理治療雜誌。2012;37 (2):136-145。
- Liaw LJ, Hsieh CL, Hsu MJ, Chen HM, Lin JH, Lo SK. Test-retest reproducibility of two short-form balance measures used in individuals with stroke. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 35(3): 256–262, 2012. (SCI)
- Chang YJ*, Hsu MJ, Chen SM, Lin CH, Wong AM. Decreased central fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients after 8 weeks of surface functional electrical stimulation. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 48(5): 555-564, 2011.
- Liaw LJ, Hsu MJ, Liao CF, Liu MF, Hsu AT*. The Relationships between Inter-recti Distance Measured by Ultrasound Imaging and Abdominal Muscle Function in Postpartum Women: a 6-month Follow-up Study. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 41(6):435-443, 2011. (SCI)
- Chang, YJ, Hsieh TH, Huang YM, Hsu MJ, Wong AM. A lack of modulation of motor evoked potential in sensory-impaired individuals with spinal cord injuries. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 31(1): 37-43, 2011. (SCI)
- Hsu MJ, Wei SH, Chang YJ. Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Energy Expenditure in Healthy Adults. Sensors 11: 1932-1942, 2011. (SCI)
- Hsu TC, Chang YJ, Huang, YY, Hsu MJ*. Effects of the Intermittent Pneumatic Circulator on Blood Pressure during Hemodialysis. Sensors 10 (11): 10014-10026, 2010. (SCI)
- Lin JH, Hsu MJ, Hsu HW, Wu HC, Hsieh CL*. Psychometric Comparisons of 3 Functional Ambulation Measures for Patients. Stroke 41 (9): 2021-5., 2010 (SCI)
- Wu HC, Lin YC, Hsu MJ, Liu SM, Hsieh CL, Lin JH*. Effect of thermal stimulation on upper extremity motor recovery 3 months after stroke. Stroke 41(10):2378-80, 2010 (SCI)
- Huang YM, Hsu MJ, Lin CH, Wei SH, Chang YJ. The Non-linear Relationship between Muscle Voluntary Activation Level and Voluntary Force Measured by the Interpolated Twitch Technique. Sensors 10(1), 796-807, 2010. (SCI)
- Huang Y, Chang Y*, Hsu MJ, Chen CL, Fang C, Wong AM. Errors in force generation and changes in controlling patterns following agonist muscle fatigue. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 25(4):293-303, 2009. (SCI)
- Lin JH, Hsu MJ, Sheu CF, Wu TS, Lin RT, Chen CH, Hsieh CL. Psychometric Comparisons of 4 Measures for Assessing Upper-Extremity Function in People With Stroke. Physical Therapy 89 (8): 840-850, 2009. (SCI)
- 葉秋萍、張雅如、許妙如*。修正式蹲站測驗檢測健康年輕人心肺適能之效度評估。物理治療雜誌;2008;33 (5):279-286。
- Yang YS, Chang GL, Hsu MJ, Chang JJ*. Remote monitoring of sitting behaviors for community-dwelling manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 47(1): 67-71, 2009. (SCI)
- Chang YJ, Liu CC, Lin CH , Tsaih PL, Hsu MJ*. Using electromyography to detect the weightings of the local muscle factors to the increase of perceived exertion during stepping exercise. Sensors. 8, 3644-3656, 2008. DOI: 10.3390/s8063644. (SCI)
- Hsueh IP, Hsu MJ, Sheu CF, Lee S, Hsieh CL, Lin JH*. Psychometric comparisons of 2 versions of the Fugl-Meyer motor scale and 2 versions of the Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement instrument. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 22: 737-744, 2008. (SCI)
- 鍾維勵、江昶勳、呂昭賢、許妙如、蔡美文*。有氧運動訓練對急性心肌梗塞後患者心率變異度之效果:統合分析。物理治療雜誌;2008;33 (2):109-120。
- Chang YJ, Fang CY, Hsu MJ, Lien HY, Wong MK*. Decrease of hypertonia after continuous passive motion treatment in individuals with spinal cord injury. Clinical Rehabil. 21: 712-718, 2007. (SCI)
- Hsu MJ, Wei SH, Yu YH, Chang YJ*. Leg stiffness and electromyography of knee extensors/flexors: Comparison between older and younger adults during stair descent. JRRD 44(3): 429-436, 2007. (SCI)
- Hsu MJ*, Nielsen DH, Lin-Chan SJ, Shurr D. The Effects of Prosthetic Foot Design on Physiologic Measurements, Self-Selected Walking Velocity, And Physical Activity in People With Transtibial Amputation. Arch Phys Med Rehab 87(1):123-9, 2006. (SCI)
- 蔡美文、陳育麟、蔡詠琪、楊郁雯、林小玲、許妙如*。正常年輕人三分鐘登階測試指標與運動心肺功能的相關性。健康促進科學;2006;1(1):5。
- Chen JJ*, Weng LY, Peng SM, Tsai MW, Hsu MJ, Huang CC, Lin SL, Liing RJ, Hsien HW, Liao YH. Development of Interesting Step-climbing Styles. Methods of Information in Medicine 44:323-327, 2005. (SCI)
- Lin-Chan SJ*, Nielsen DH, Yack HJ, Hsu MJ, Shurr DG. The effects of added prosthetic mass on physiologic responses and stride frequency during multiple speeds of walking in persons with transtibial amputation. Arch Phys Med Rehab 84(12): 1865-71, 2003 (SCI)
- Hsu MJ, Nielsen DH, Yack HJ, Shurr D, Lin SJ. Physiological Comparisons of Physically Active Persons with Transtibial Amputation Using Static and Dynamic Prostheses versus Persons with Nonpathological Gait during Multiple-Speed Walking. JPO 12(2): 60-67, 2000.
- Hsu MJ, Nielsen DH, Yack J, Shurr D. Physiological Measurements of Walking and Running in People with Transtibial Amputations with 3 Different Prostheses. JOSPT 29: 526-533, 1999. (SCI)
- 李雪楨、王子娟、王瑞瑤、蔡美文、李淑貞、陳佑蘋、楊雅如、陳文英、許妙如、張梅蘭。台灣地區未來二十年之物理治療人力供需預測。中華物療誌2003;28(5):280。
- Hsu MJ*, Chang YJ, Lin JH, Chou YL. A preliminary study on blood pressure variability assessed from left and right arms in the elderly.
The 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies. Stockholm, Sweden, Sept 8-11, 2012. - Hung RM, Lin JH, Lai CH, Chen CC, Chou YL, Hsu MJ*. Effects of Leg Cycling Motion Training on Selected Physical Fitness Components in Old People.
1st World Congress on Healthy Ageing. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mar 19-22, 2012. - Yang HC, Lee CL, Lai CL, Hsu MJ, Chou YL, Lin KH. Effect of cycling motion training on walking ability in young elders with chronic stroke.
1st World Congress on Healthy Ageing. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mar 19-22, 2012. - Li MC, Hsu MJ*, Yen CH. Aging effects on blood pressure variability under mental stress: a pilot study.
The 65th Annual Congress of The Physical Therapy Association of Republic of China, Sept 22, 2012. - 葉秋萍、許妙如*。老年人的心肺適能評估工具。
體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會,台北,民國一百年十二月十七~十八日。 - 洪瑞敏、林昭宏、周詣倫、陳健智、許妙如*.踩車運動對於健康中老年人腦部動作皮質活化之影響-前驅研究. 物理治療學會第63次學術論文研討會
翁淑娟 吳宏嘉 侯文萱 王雲充 許妙如 林昭宏*.不同治療頻率之冷熱刺激法對於中風患者上肢動作與功能恢復的療效: 初步研究. 物理治療學會第63次學術論文研討會 - Hsu HW, Lee CL, Chen SM, Lai CL, Hsu MJ, Lin JH *. Effect of thermal stimulation for lower extremity movement and function in individuals with stroke : pilot study.
11th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy. Bali, Indonesia, 2010.10.10 ~ 2010.10.13 - Tai J, Chen CJ, Hsu HW, Hsu MJ, Kuo YT, Lin JH.* Immediate Effect of Thermal Stimulation on Cortical plasticity in Stroke: A fMRI Case Study.
中華民國物理治療學會九十九年度會員大會暨第六十次學術研討會,台北,民國九十九年三月二十~二十一日。 - Hsu TC, Chang YJ, Huang YY, Hsu MJ*. Effects of the intermittent pneumatic circulator on blood pressure during hemodialysis.
The 12th Asian Pacific Congress of Neurology. Seoul, Korea, June 5-8, 2010. - MJ Hsu*, YJ Chang, S Wei. Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on oxygen consumption in healthy adults.
5th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 13-17 , 2009. - MJ Hsu*, DH Nielsen, YJ Chang. Quality of Life In People With Transtibial Amputation: The Influence of Using 3 Different Prosthetic Feet.
2nd International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May13-15, 2008. - 陳建熹,許妙如*,劉松豪,葉秋萍。有無運動習慣年輕女性在心理壓力測試下之自主神經活性表現。
中華民國物理治療學會第五十七次學術研討會,台中,民國九十七年十月二日。 - 鍾維勵、江昶勳、呂昭賢、許妙如、蔡美文*。有氧運動訓練對心肌梗塞後患者心率變異度之效果:統合分析。中華民國物理治療學會九十五年度會員大會暨第五十四次學術研討會,台北,民國九十六年四月二十一~二十二日。
- Huang YM, Chang YJ*, Hsu MJ, Chen C, Fang C, Wong AM. Force controlling errors following agonist muscle fatigue.
XXI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (2007), Jul 1-5, Taipei, Taiwan - Chang YJ, Liu C, Lin C, Tsaih P, Hsu MJ: Contributions of local muscle fatigue and cardiovascular system to the increase of perceived exertion during stepping.
XXI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (2007), Jul 1-5, Taipei, Taiwan - Hsu MJ*, Chang YJ. Modification of blood flow to the lower extremities by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in individuals with spinal cord injury.
American Physical Therapy Association annual conference, Denver, CO, USA (2007) - Hsu MJ*, Yeh CP. The reliability and validity of the squat test to predict cardiopulmonary fitness in the healthy elderly.
American Physical Therapy Association annual conference, Denver, CO, USA (2007) - Yeh CP, Hsu MJ*, Huang HC. The reliability and validity of half squat test in men.
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA (2006) - 王榴君、葛麗君、李淑貞、李雪楨、蔡美文、許妙如、施怡芬、陳文英。創世社會福利基金會甦醒個案復健模式建立與成效探討。中華民國物理治療學會九十三年度會員大會暨第五十二次學術研討會,台北,民國九十三年三月二十五~二十六日。
- Hsu MJ, Wei SH, Chang YJ, Lien HY. Comparisons of movement strategy during descent stair walking between elderly and young people.
Neuroscience annual conference, Washington, DC (2005) - Hsu MJ, Nielsen DH, Lin S, Yack J. Efficacy of energy storing-releasing prosthetic feet in individuals with transtibial amputation during ambulation.
American Physical Therapy Association annual conference, Chicago, IL, USA (2004) - Hsu MJ, Nielsen DH, Lin S, Yack J. Comparisons of quality of life in individuals with transtibial amputation using different prosthetic feet.
American Physical Therapy Association annual conference, Chicago, IL, USA (2004) - 李雪楨、蔡美文、張鴻仁、周穎政、王子娟、劉影梅、許妙如、詹燕芳、范佩貞、陳俊忠*。體適能、健康行為與健保醫療利用之關聯性探討,健康體能促進國際研討會,衛生署國民健康局,民國九十二年十二月十四~十五日。
- 李雪楨、蔡美文、張鴻仁、周穎政、王子娟、劉影梅、許妙如、詹燕芳、范佩貞、陳俊忠*:體適能、健康行為與健保醫療利用之關聯性探討,台灣公共衛生學會九十二年度會員大會暨學術研討會,民國九十二年十月二十五~二十六日。
- 李雪楨、王子娟、王瑞瑤、蔡美文、李淑貞、陳祐蘋、楊雅如、陳文英、許妙如、張梅蘭。台灣地區未來二十年之物理治療人力供需預測,中華民國物理治療學會九十二年度會員大會暨第四十七次學術研討會,民國九十二年九月二十一日。
- Hsu MJ*, Nielsen DH, Lin S, Yack J, Shurr D. Physiological comparisons of Otto Bock C-Walk prosthetic foot versus the SACH foot in individuals with transtibial amputation during multiple speed walking.
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